Monday, April 18, 2016

Temple of Doom
Steven Spielberg's 1984 follow up to Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is one of my favorite movies of all time. I enjoy the action, suspense and the characters are so energetic they almost pop off the screen. Pulitzer Prize Winning film critic, Roger Ebert described the movie as, "One of the greatest bruised forearm movies of all time…That's the kind of movie where your date is always grabbing your forearm in a viselike grip". One of the most enjoyable aspects of the story is the addition of a young Asian boy who Indiana Jones simply calls Short Round. He is Indy's side kick, the robin to his batman, and oh wait he's only nine years old. Short Round loves Indy and goes on a series of daring adventures where he drives a car, frees child prisoners, fights off bad guys and even burns Indy to snap him out of a deadly trance. Short Round is a resilient young character who seeks to imitate his courageous hero and mentor. Short Round can be best described as a miniature adult, which Hintz and Tribunella describe kids in this model as independent and capable of completing tasks that are synonymous with adulthood (28). What is fascinating about Short Round is his loyalty and love for Indy. It radiates off the screen and it reminds me of when I was a little boy and used to look up to my older brothers as if they were Greek gods. Although Indy is really irresponsible with Short Rounds well-being, the two are like old pals and there is a real chemistry there. Short Round is an embodiment of children's adventure and while this movie may prove frightening for young kids, they will most definitely connect to this fun and wily protagonist. Short Round remains one my favorite movie sidekick of all time, and he proves that the dynamic between him and Indy is pure movie magic.  

To read Roger Ebert's review of this film simply click

In this clip Indy and Short Round have broken into the Temple of Doom and begun to free all of the child slaves. When Indy is confronted by a large henchmen and is being tortured by voodoo, the loyal Short Round comes to Indy's rescue. This is a prime example of Short Round acting as a miniature adult.

 Hintz, Carrie, and Eric L. Tribunella. Reading Children's Literature: A Critical Introduction. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2013. Print. 

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